Friday, December 27, 2013

One package of diapers, and a junk food binge.

I wish I could proudly boast that I cooked an authentic Guatemala cuisine tonight, but that would be a lie. I barely eeked out grilled cheese in our modest was quite the advenure actully. I made Brett throw the match into the burner.
Even more of an advenure was our trip to buy groceries at La Bodegona. We thought you might all be interested to find out what all your guilty pleasures cost us here in Guate. It also might answer your question: how can anyone afford to stay there for 3 weeks!!!
This bad boy is a 2.5 can get them in 3's to. $1.65. That's as much a a 20 oz back home, right?

 I don't know what it is about these colorful monstrocities, but these are the best dang marshmallows on the planet. Plus, they are much more colorful than their cotton-ball counterpart. Ran us .89
$2.04 We bought 3 because once we pop, we can't stop. 
$23. Worth the set-back when you're running around with a baby strapped to your back and a 6 year old with an insatiable curiosity about everything. Including that piece of glass in the street that she should reeeeally pick up and hand to me so no one steps on it. How thoughtful Lily. 
I know, I know. You're thinking "Well, we have cheap beer here too Lori! The difference is, YOUR cheap beer tastes like urine. Brahva tastes like Miller Light. A 12 pack cost us $12.32. That's two talls at your local Applebees. 
Though they had the huggies,  I just had to try the Guatemalan brand. It's kind of a pastime of mine to compare diaper brands. I'll let ya know how it goes. They don't tell me how many come in the package, however I'm guessing 50ish? Give or take, nothing's an exact science here...$7.02. 

Now I write this in a light-hearted way. However, in case you've never asked yourself the question before, I might encourage you to look into WHY things are so cheap in developing nations. I'm not going to go off on a tangent about BOP markets, multi-mational corporations, or the evils of globalization, because that's just not the point of this trip for us (this time:) So rather than ME educating you on MY opinion. Fire up the old google and see what you think about it for yourself.

All is well on the home front. Girls asleep and we're on our way. After a beer and a can of pringles.
Nighty night.

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