Friday, December 27, 2013

Buy everything? Slow down lily!

Today Lily had her first experience of shopping in Guatemala. Her first thoughts were to buy everything since very few things look like anything back home. Being the creative girl that she is, all of the colors and beautiful items had her in a bit of a trance. 

We took the time to explain to her that they all sell these things for their job so they can help feed their families. She responded quickly with, "we better buy their stuff so they can feed their families!" We then had to explain that we still have to buy things that we need and not all the things we want. She didn't a like that as much as her idea. 

It has been great spending time together as a family this morning and practicing our Spanish. Even after one morning it feels more natural, and comes easier. We are definitely looking forward to starting school Monday. 

I'm just going to say this once, so as to not get showered with complaints about how we keep saying how nice the weather is down here, but it is beautiful!  Can't complain. 

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