Saturday, January 4, 2014

Steps and Steps and Steps.....

We haven't posted for a couple days, as the routine of Spanish classes and less time to do things has taken hold.  We did have a chance to go see Cerro de la Cruz above our end of town with the other Spanish students that decided to go as well.  We got to accompany a group of children that are part of an education program at the school.  As you can probably figure out, Lily was really disappointed. ;-)  It only took her about ten minutes to get the point where she held hands in the picture below.
 As we headed up the climb to the top, which includes 333 steps and a rise of a couple hundred feet, we stopped a couple of times to catch our breath and take some pictures.  The kids were all really quick to pose and get pictures taken together.
 One of the many stretches of steps we went up with Lily in the lead.  Needless to say, when we got back to the hotel, she crashed hard.
 A look down at the first stretch.
 We then curled around the mountain side on our way up.  About half way at the point in the picture below.
 Still climbing.  The walk from school all the way to the top took about 40 minutes or so.  The most walking we have done without a long break since we got here.
 Below is the last straight away where we only rose about 10 feet, but walked about a football field in length.
 As you can see in the photo below, it was well worth the walk to see this view!
 The kids needed a breather before we headed back down the mountain side.
 Lily and Eve posing as eve gets an airplane ride from Mom!
 Family pic from the view!
We had a great time getting to know more of the teachers and people that run the Spanish school as well as Lily getting to interact with the kids.  We will be arranging for her to interact with those same kids a couple times a week going forward so that she doesn't feel like she's trapped in an adult world.  :-)  After 9 days of travel away from home, Lily finally had her first moment where she missed home.  We've been really impressed with how she has handled being away from home, and we have a calendar for her to keep track of how long it will be before we return home.  Today we also took the opportunity to take pictures with a photographer that our friend Byron Maldonado referred us to.  It was a great time, and we are glad we took the opportunity to capture this once in a lifetime trip.  We have really enjoyed everything so far, and are looking forward to a day of laying low tomorrow to prepare for another week.  This week will be huge, since we will finally be going to visit San Lucas on Friday thru Sunday.  We can't wait to get down there and visit with our friends and show Lily what we are talking about when we reference Guatemala at home.  It will be an exciting week with a couple of possible activities with the school.  We will probably visit some ruins, and go to a plantation and see a couple of museums.  They have a Mayan music museum that could prove to be quite interesting.  Stay tuned for our next post, and thanks for reading!

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